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Director Classic Pilates Korea

Classic Pilates

  • Classic ilates insitut by Brett Howard
  • Classic plates insitiute anatomy by Brett Howard
  • Gyrotonic Level, 1Certificate
  • Using scaffolding in the Pilates Mat By Brett Howard
  • Advanced workshop for postpartum rehab
  • Classic pilates workshop by Jerome
    (Cadillac pro / Men’s worknut / Injury Therapeutics / Session Endin)
  • Classic ilates workshop Salbina (Scollosis/Pregnenc/Post natal/Lower Back)
  • Classic pilates workshop Linzi Arellano
  • Classic plates workshop Sonje Mayo (Mat/Reformer/Ladder Barrel/Spine Corrector / Arm Chair Wunda Chair /High Chair / Pre-natal, post-natal Plates / Dealing with Osteoporasis/ The Vertical Pelvis on the Tower/Cadillac)
  • Classic plates workshop
    – Mariano Dolagaray
    Back to Basics / Ending all around /Vitamin W: Wunda Chair / Behind the Scenes / Men’s Favorites / The Right Spot
  • Rehab Training Specialist Level1. Recovering Certificate

Virtual Workshops

– By Sabina Formichella “Pregnancy Pilates mat workshop”

– By Brett Howar “Constructing a Bridge to Progress a Client form Basic to Intermediate in Pilates”

– By Sonje Mayo “Perfecting the Reformer”

– By Miguel Siiva “Original Mat Flow & Standing Mat”

inspired by

Brett Howard, Andrea Maida, Sonje Mayo, Mariano Dolagaray, Miguel siva,
SabinFormichella, Alycea Ungaro, Cary Regan, Kaitie yip …etc

*She is inspired by globally well-know teachers.
